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Hearing Aids


Most cases of hearing loss can benefit from the use of hearing aids. The hearing aid picks up sound through a microphone, amplifies the sound with an amplifier, and delivers the sound to your ear through a speaker.


This sounds simple, but in reality the digital hearing aids of today are doing a whole lot more under the hood. Hearing aids today are able to digitally process sounds in a complex manner using tiny electronics, so the quality of sound is preserved.

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Hearing aids can amplify only the sound frequencies you have trouble with, rather than just making everything louder and blasting it into your ear. Today’s hearing aids also come with a host of other features and patients are usually surprised at how well they can hear with them.


How Hearing Aids Can Help You


Hearing aids will help you to better listen, communicate, and more fully participate in the activities around you. You won’t miss out on your grandkids’ sayings, your conversations with loved ones, or important information at work meetings.


Our patients have reported feelings of reconnection to the world and people, improved relationships, higher productivity at work, decreased levels of stress, and overall enhanced quality of life.

Hearing Aids 101 by Dr. Robert Weissman
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